User Registration

Your organization or company
Email (email will be used as Sign In Username)
First Name
Last Name
Telephone (cell or landline)
Password (Strong Password required )
  • Password must be at least 8 characters in length.
  • Password must include at least one upper case letter.
  • Password must include at least one number.
  • Password must include at least one special character.
Confirm Password

Terms of Use

With this registration, you are a creating a User Name (from your email address) and a Password which shall constitute your electronic signature (``Electronic Signature'') for use in connection with the StudyMaker Application.
You agree that the web pages you access shall constitute written documents and that clicking or otherwise electronically activating ``SAVE PAGE'', ``Next'', ``New Enrollment'', ``ok'' or any other similar icons on such pages according to on-line instructions shall have the same legal effect as if you signed and delivered hard copy versions of such documents to StudyMaker LLC.
You agree to take appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality of your Electronic Signature and to guard against misuse of the site. You will notify StudyMaker immediately if you know or suspect someone else knows your User Name and Password, or that there has been unauthorized use of your Electronic Signature.
You agree to change your initial Password from time to time, using the appropriate facility on this site. You further agree for security reasons not to have a Password associated with your date of birth, telephone number, address, social insurance number or anything else which could be easily guessed.